_______________________________________________________________ | | http://propaganda.lege.net/resources/ | | | Resources: | | Herman-Chomsky propaganda model | http://propaganda.lege.net/model/ | | Deterring Democracy | http://zmag.org/chomsky/dd/ | | Necessary Illusions | http://zmag.org/chomsky/ni/ | | Year 501 | http://zmag.org/chomsky/year/ | | Uncle Sam: Inoculating Southeast Asia | http://zmag.org/chomsky/sam/sam-2-06.html | | Chomsky Mirror Site | http://cyberspacei.com/jesusi/authors/chomsky/ | | Chomsky Mirror Site | http://zena.secureforum.com/Znet/chomsky/ | | Bad News: Noam Chomsky Archive | http://monkeyfist.com/ChomskyArchive/ | | German Propaganda Archive | http://calvin.edu/academic/cas/gpa/ | | When Democracy Failed: The Warnings of History | http://uscrisis.lege.net/history/ | | U.S. Military Drafted Plans to Terrorize U.S. Cities | http://newsfrombabylon.com/article.php?sid=1332 | | New Seismic Data Refutes Official WTC Explanation | http://uscrisis.lege.net/911/ | | Waiting for the U.S. to become an open fascist dictatorship | is like waiting for the other shoe to drop | http://uscrisis.lege.net/othershoe/ | | Universal Declaration of Human Rights | http://www.un.org/Overview/rights.html | | Some thoughts on dealing... | http://propaganda.lege.net/tactics/ | | The Social/Moral Liberal/Conservative Value Quadrant | http://propaganda.lege.net/quadrant/ | | We are America | http://propaganda.lege.net/we_are_america/ | | An Annotated Critique of President George W. Bush's | March 17 Address Preparing the Nation for War | http://propaganda.lege.net/an_annotated_critique/ | | Legal Resources | http://legal.lege.net/resources/ | | Ideology Resources | http://ideology.lege.net/resources/ | | The Ideology of American Empire | http://ideology.lege.net/american_empire/ | | Examples of Propaganda | http://propaganda.lege.net/examples/ | | Study: Wrong impressions helped support Iraq war | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/ | | Examples of how U.S. media is censored -- | and elections possibly rigged | http://propaganda.lege.net/evoting/ | | Bogged down in Iraq and Afghanistan, don't the Russians and | the Chinese just LOVE IT? | http://propaganda.lege.net/sunburn/ | | I. Wallerstein, 125, "What is Realism in Iraq?" | http://fbc.binghamton.edu/125en.htm | | Fernand Braudel Center, Commentaries | http://fbc.binghamton.edu/commentr.htm | | Florida Fights Back - The Film ("It's not about Left vs. | Right Politics -- It's about Right vs. Wrong") | http://floridafightsback.com/ | | Primer on the year 2000 U.S. election fraud | http://uscrisis.lege.net/election/ | | 673 Law Professors Say: By Stopping the Vote Count in | Florida, The U.S. Supreme Court Used Its Power To Act as | Political Partisans, Not Judges of a Court of Law | http://propaganda.lege.net/partisans/ | | 317 teachers of law from 87 law schools in the U.S. | denounced the plans for war with Iraq: | http://legal.lege.net/the-rule-of-law/#04 | | Stan Goff | An Open Letter to GIs in Iraq | http://propaganda.lege.net/humanity/ | | WHATREALLYHAPPENED.COM | http://whatreallyhappened.com/ | | t r u t h o u t | http://truthout.org/ | | Citizens for Legitimate Government | http://legitgov.org/ | | Right Web, A Project of the Interhemispheric Resource Center | http://right-web.org/ | | Right Web News | http://right-web.org/news/ | | Interhemispheric Resource Center - IRC | http://irc-online.org/ | | Kucinich for President -- Chomsky approves of Kucinich | http://kucinich.us | | The Libertarian Party | http://lp.org/ | | U.S. contempt for the Rule of Law | http://legal.lege.net/contempt/ | | Red Cross Report on U.S. human rights violations in Iraq | http://uscrisis.lege.net/doc/red_cross_iraq_report.pdf | | Human Rights Watch: United States | http://hrw.org/doc/?t=usa | | Video of U.S. sexual humiliation of prisoners | http://informationclearinghouse.info/article6106.htm | | Images of U.S. sexual humiliation of prisoners | http://newsfrombabylon.com/article.php?sid=3961 |______________________________________________________________