_______________________________________________________________ | | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/ | | | Study: Wrong impressions helped support Iraq war, | Knight Ridder Newspapers | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/article/ | | Misperceptions, The Media and The Iraq War, | October 2, 2003 Report by PIPA/KN | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/ | | Content of the above PIPA/KN October 2, 2003 Report: | | cover i | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#cover1 | | cover ii | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#cover2 | | page 1 | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#p01 | | INTRODUCTION | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#introduction | | page 2 | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#p02 | | three polls, conducted over June through September | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#3polls1 | | FINDINGS | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#findings | | Links Between Iraq and Al Qaeda | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#links | | page 3 | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#p03 | | Perceived Iraq-Al Qaeda Relationship | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#gperceived | | Saddam Hussein and 9/11 | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#gsaddam | | page 4 | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#p04 | | Evidence of Links to al-Qaeda | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#evidence1 | | Perception: Evidence of Iraqi-Al Qaeda Link Found | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#gevidence1 | | Weapons of Mass Destruction | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#wmd1 | | page 5 | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#p05 | | Perception: Weapons of Mass Destruction Have Been Found | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#gwmd1 | | Perception: Chemical and Biological Weapons Have Been Used | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#gwmd2 | | World Public Opinion | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#opinion1 | | page 6 | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#p06 | | Perception: World Public Opinion on War With Iraq | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#gopinion1 | | Perception: European Public Opinion on War With Iraq | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#gopinion2 | | Composite Analysis | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#composite1 | | three polls, conducted in June, July, and August-September | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#3polls2 | | page 7 | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#p07 | | 60% had at least one of these three unambiguous misperceptions | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#3polls3 | | 8% had all three of the misperceptions | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#3polls4 | | Frequency of Misperceptions | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#gfrequency1 | | page 8 | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#p08 | | POLLS OF WORLD PUBLIC OPINION ON THE IRAQ WAR | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#polls | | Misperceptions of Attitudes in the Islamic World | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#islamic | | page 9 | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#p09 | | Misperceptions and Support for War | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#support1 | | Links to al-Qaeda | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#alqaeda | | Pre-War (Feb 03) Approval for Unilateral Action and | Beliefs About al Qaeda Links | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#galqaedaprewar | | page 10 | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#p10 | | Support for War and Misperception of Evidence of Iraqi | Links to al Qaeda | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#galqaedapostwar | | Weapons of Mass Destruction | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#wmd2 | | Support for the War and Misperception Iraqi WMD Found | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#gwmd3 | | World Public Opinion | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#opinion2 | | page 11 | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#p11 | | Support for War and Perceptions of World Public Opinion | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#gopinion3 | | Composite Analysis | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#composite2 | | Support for War and Cumulative Effect of Misperceptions | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#gsupport1 | | page 12 | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#p12 | | Variations in Misperceptions According to Source | of News | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#source | | Primary source of news | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#gsource | | Composite Analysis | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#composite3 | | page 13 | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#p13 | | Frequency of Misperceptions | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#gfrequency2 | | Number of misperceptions per respondent | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#gfrequency3 | | News Source vs. Average rate per misperception | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#gfrequency4 | | Evidence of Links Between Iraq and Al Qaeda | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#evidence2 | | Evidence of Links Between Iraq and al-Qaeda | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#gevidence2 | | page 14 | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#p14 | | Weapons of Mass Destruction | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#wmd3 | | Weapons of Mass Destruction | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#gwmd4 | | World Public Opinion | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#opinion3 | | page 15 | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#p15 | | World Public Opinion | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#gopinion4 | | The Effect of Demographic Variations in Audience | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#demographic | | Fox viewers are more Republican | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#republican1 | | PBS-NPR is higher in education and less Republican | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#republican2 | | Looking just at Republicans | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#republican3 | | Republican Fox viewers | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#republican4 | | Republicans who get their news from PBS-NPR | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#republican5 | | page 16 | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#p16 | | Average Rate of Misperceptions Among Republicans | According to News Sources | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#grepublican | | Misperceptions According to Level of Attention to News | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#attention | | Evidence of Al-Qaeda Link | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#evidence3 | | page 17 | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#p17 | | Weapons of Mass Destruction | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#wmd4 | | World Public Opinion | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#opinion4 | | Misperceptions According to Political Position | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#political | | Support for the President | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#support2 | | page 18 | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#p18 | | Support for President and Frequency of Misperceptions | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#gsupport2 | | Evidence Of Al-Qaeda Link | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#evidence4 | | Support for President and 3 Key Misperceptions | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#gsupport3 | | Weapons of Mass Destruction | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#wmd5 | | World Public Opinion | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#opinion5 | | Party Identification | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#party | | page 19 | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#p19 | | Political Bias Not Full Explanation | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#media | | Variation in Misperception by Support for President and | News Source | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#gsupport4 | | Compounding Effects of News Exposure and Political Positions | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#compounding | | page 20 | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#p20 | | Exposure to News and Frequency of Misperceptions Among | Bush and Democratic Nominee Supporters | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#gsupport5 | | Support for the War | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#support3 | | Exposure to News and Support for War Among Bush and | Democratic Nominee Supporters | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#gsupport6 | | page 21 | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#p21 | | METHODOLOGY | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/report/#methodology | | | A few examples on how "misperceptions" arise | http://propaganda.lege.net/misperceptions/examples/ | | | Resources | http://propaganda.lege.net/resources/ |______________________________________________________________